SPPAS 4.20

Module sppas.src.imgdata

Class sppasImage


Manipulate images represented by a numpy.ndarray of BGR colors.

>>> # explicit constructor to create an image
>>> img1 = sppasImage(shape=(3,))
>>> # read the image from a file
>>> img2 = sppasImage(filename=os.path.join("some image file"))
>>> # construct from an existing ndarray
>>> img3 = sppasImage(input_array=img1)
>>> # construct a blank image
>>> black = sppasImage(0).blank(w=100, h=100, white=False)

An image of width=320 and height=200 is represented by len(img)=200;

each of these 200 rows contains 320 lists of [b,g,r] values.


When the image file is read with the OpenCV function imread(),

the order of colors is BGR (blue, green, red), and the same with

imwrite. This class is then using BGR colors in a ndarray.

It ignores alpha values even if specified in the original image.

Public functions


Return the width (int) of the image.

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def width(self):
    """Return the width (int) of the image."""
    w = self.shape[1]
    return w

Return the height (int) of the image.

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def height(self):
    """Return the height (int) of the image."""
    h = self.shape[0]
    return h

Return the number of channels (int) of the image.

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def channel(self):
    """Return the number of channels (int) of the image."""
    if len(self.shape) > 2:
        _, _, c = self.shape
        c = 0
    return c

Return the position tuple(x, y) of the center of the image.

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def center(self):
    """Return the position tuple(x, y) of the center of the image."""
    w, h = self.size()
    return (w // 2, h // 2)

Return the size of the image as tuple(width, height).

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def size(self):
    """Return the size of the image as tuple(width, height)."""
    h, w = self.shape[:2]
    return (w, h)

Return the euclidian distance with the image.

  • other: (sppasImage) an image with the same shape
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def euclidian_distance(self, other):
    """Return the euclidian distance with the image.

        :param other: (sppasImage) an image with the same shape

    w, h = self.size()
    d = numpy.linalg.norm(self - other, axis=1)
    return sum(sum(d)) / (w * h * 3)

Return the size of the image or a proportional size.

  • width: (int) Force the image to the width
  • height: (int) Force the image to the height
  • tuple(int, int) Width and height
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def get_proportional_size(self, width=0, height=0):
    """Return the size of the image or a proportional size.

        :param width: (int) Force the image to the width
        :param height: (int) Force the image to the height
        :return: tuple(int, int) Width and height

    if len(self) == 0:
        return (0, 0)
    width = sppasCoords.to_dtype(width)
    height = sppasCoords.to_dtype(height)
    if width < 0:
        raise NegativeValueError(width)
    if height < 0:
        raise NegativeValueError(height)
    h, w = self.shape[:2]
    if width + height == 0:
        return (w, h)
    prop_width = prop_height = 0
    propw = proph = 1.0
    if width != 0:
        prop_width = width
        propw = float(width) / float(w)
    if height != 0:
        prop_height = height
        proph = float(height) / float(h)
    if width == 0:
        prop_width = int(float(w) * proph)
    if height == 0:
        prop_height = int(float(h) * propw)
    return (prop_width, prop_height)

Add a square surrounding the given coordinates.

  • coord: (sppasCoords) Area to surround
  • color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
  • thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle.
  • text: (str) Add text
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def surround_coord(self, coord, color, thickness, text=''):
    """Add a square surrounding the given coordinates.

        :param coord: (sppasCoords) Area to surround
        :param color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
        :param thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle.
            Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to
            draw a filled rectangle.
        :param text: (str) Add text

    coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
    cv2.rectangle(self, (coord.x, coord.y), (coord.x + coord.w, coord.y + coord.h), color, thickness)
    if len(text) > 0:
        h, w = self.shape[:2]
        font_scale = float(w * h) / (1920.0 * 1080.0)
        th = abs(thickness // 2)
        text_size = cv2.getTextSize(text, fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=font_scale * 2, thickness=th)
        if thickness < 0:
            r, g, b = color
            r = (r + 128) % 255
            g = (g + 128) % 255
            b = (b + 128) % 255
            color = (r, g, b)
        cv2.putText(self, text, (coord.x + 3 * th, coord.y + 3 * th + text_size[1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, font_scale, color, th)

Put a text at the given coords.

  • coord: (sppasCoords) Area to put the text
  • color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
  • thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle.
  • text: (str) Add text
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def put_text(self, coord, color, thickness, text):
    """Put a text at the given coords.

        :param coord: (sppasCoords) Area to put the text
        :param color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
        :param thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle.
            Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to
            draw a filled rectangle.
        :param text: (str) Add text

    w, _ = self.size()
    coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
    font_scale = max(1.0, float(w) / 1024.0)
    if thickness < 0:
        r, g, b = color
        r = (r + 128) % 255
        g = (g + 128) % 255
        b = (b + 128) % 255
        color = (r, g, b)
    cv2.putText(self, text, (coord.x, coord.y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, font_scale, color, thickness)

Add a circle surrounding the given point.

  • point: (sppasCoords, list, tuple) (x,y) values to surround
  • color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
  • thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle.
  • radius: (int) Radius of the circle
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def surround_point(self, point, color, thickness, radius=None):
    """Add a circle surrounding the given point.

        :param point: (sppasCoords, list, tuple) (x,y) values to surround
        :param color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color or brightness (if grayscale image).
        :param thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle.
            Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to
            draw a filled rectangle.
        :param radius: (int) Radius of the circle

    if isinstance(point, sppasCoords) is False:
        if isinstance(point, (tuple, list)) and len(point) >= 2:
                point = sppasCoords(point[0], point[1])
            except Exception:
    if isinstance(point, sppasCoords) is False:
        sppasTypeError(point, 'sppasCoords, tuple, list')
    thickness = max(2, thickness)
    if radius is None:
        radius = thickness // 2
    x = point.x - radius
    y = point.y - radius
    cv2.circle(self, (x, y), radius, color, thickness)

Create and return an image with black pixels only.

  • w: (int) Image width. 0 means to use the current image width.
  • h: (int) Image height. 0 means to use the current height.
  • white: (bool) Return a white image instead of a black one.
  • alpha: (int | None) Add alpha channel with the given int value
  • dtype: (numpy.dtype) Image data type
  • (sppasImage) Fully black BGR image
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def blank_image(self, w=0, h=0, white=False, alpha=None, dtype=numpy.uint8):
    """Create and return an image with black pixels only.

        :param w: (int) Image width. 0 means to use the current image width.
        :param h: (int) Image height. 0 means to use the current height.
        :param white: (bool) Return a white image instead of a black one.
        :param alpha: (int | None) Add alpha channel with the given int value
        :param dtype: (numpy.dtype) Image data type
        :return: (sppasImage) Fully black BGR image

    if w < 0:
        raise NegativeValueError(w)
    if h < 0:
        raise NegativeValueError(h)
    if w == 0:
        w = self.width
    if h == 0:
        h = self.height
    t = (h, w, 3)
    nparray = numpy.zeros(t, dtype=dtype)
    if white is True:
        nparray[:, :, (0, 1, 2)] = 255
    img = sppasImage(input_array=nparray)
    if alpha is not None:
        return img.ialpha(alpha)
    return img

Return a copy of the image in red-color.

  • value: (int) Fixed red value ranging (0, 255)
  • (sppasImage)
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def ired(self, value=0):
    """Return a copy of the image in red-color.

        :param value: (int) Fixed red value ranging (0, 255)
        :return: (sppasImage)

    value = int(value)
    value = value % 255
    img = self.copy()
    img[:, :, (0, 1)] = value
    return sppasImage(input_array=img)

Return a copy of the image in green-color.

  • value: (int) Fixed green value ranging (0, 255)
  • (sppasImage)
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def igreen(self, value=0):
    """Return a copy of the image in green-color.

        :param value: (int) Fixed green value ranging (0, 255)
        :return: (sppasImage)

    value = int(value)
    value = value % 255
    img_green = self.copy()
    img_green[:, :, (0, 2)] = value
    return sppasImage(input_array=img_green)

Return a copy of the image in blue-color.

  • value: (int) Fixed blue value ranging (0, 255)
  • (sppasImage)
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def iblue(self, value=0):
    """Return a copy of the image in blue-color.

        :param value: (int) Fixed blue value ranging (0, 255)
        :return: (sppasImage)

    value = int(value)
    value = value % 255
    img = self.copy()
    img[:, :, (1, 2)] = value
    return sppasImage(input_array=img)

Return a copy of the image in RGBA colors.

Do nothing if no channel defined.

  • value: (int) Alpha value for transparency (0-255)
  • direction: (int) 0 means to assign the value to each pixel, but -1 means to only assign the value to pixels if the existing transparency is higher than value (lowers are un-changed) and +1 means to assign alpha value if the existing one is lower (higher values are unchanged).
  • (sppasImage)
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def ialpha(self, value=0, direction=0):
    """Return a copy of the image in RGBA colors.

        Do nothing if no channel defined.

        :param value: (int) Alpha value for transparency (0-255)
        :param direction: (int) 0 means to assign the value to each pixel, but
        -1 means to only assign the value to pixels if the existing transparency
        is higher than value (lowers are un-changed) and +1 means to assign
        alpha value if the existing one is lower (higher values are unchanged).
        :return: (sppasImage)

    if self.channel == 3:
        imga = sppasImage(input_array=cv2.cvtColor(self, cv2.COLOR_RGB2RGBA))
        imga = self.copy()
    if imga.channel == 4:
        value = int(value)
        value = value % 255
        if direction == 0:
            imga[:, :, 3] = value
        elif direction < 0:
            numpy.clip(imga[:, :, 3], 0, value, out=imga[:, :, 3])
            numpy.clip(imga[:, :, 3], value, 255, out=imga[:, :, 3])
    return imga

Return a copy of the image with given in BGR/BGRA color values.

  • bgr: (tuple) A tuple(b, g, r) or tuple(b, g, r, a) color.
  • (sppasImage)
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def ibgr(self, bgr):
    """Return a copy of the image with given in BGR/BGRA color values.

        :param bgr: (tuple) A tuple(b, g, r) or tuple(b, g, r, a) color.
        :return: (sppasImage)

    if len(bgr) < 3:
        raise ValueError('Expected a (b, g, r) or (b, g, r, a) color. Got {} instead.'.format(bgr))
    img = self.copy()
    value = int(bgr[0])
    value = value % 255
    img[:, :, 0] = value
    value = int(bgr[1])
    value = value % 255
    img[:, :, 1] = value
    value = int(bgr[2])
    value = value % 255
    img[:, :, 2] = value
    if len(bgr) == 4:
        return img.ialpha(bgr[3])
    return img

Return a copy of the image without the alpha channel.

  • (sppasImage)
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def ibgra_to_bgr(self):
    """Return a copy of the image without the alpha channel.

        :return: (sppasImage)

    return sppasImage(input_array=cv2.cvtColor(self, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR))

Return a copy of the image in grayscale.

  • (sppasImage)
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def igray(self):
    """Return a copy of the image in grayscale.

        :return: (sppasImage)

    if self.channel == 4:
        avg = numpy.average(self, weights=[0.114, 0.587, 0.2989, 1], axis=2)
    elif self.channel == 3:
        avg = numpy.average(self, weights=[0.114, 0.587, 0.2989], axis=2)
        return self.copy()
    gray = self.copy()
    gray[:, :, 0] = avg
    gray[:, :, 1] = avg
    gray[:, :, 2] = avg
    return sppasImage(input_array=gray)

Return a copy of the image in negative/positive colors.

  • (sppasImage)
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def inegative(self):
    """Return a copy of the image in negative/positive colors.

        :return: (sppasImage)

    img = 255 - self
    return sppasImage(input_array=img)

Return a copy of the image with a color-reduction applied.

  • value: (int) Reduction value in range(0, 255)
  • (sppasImage)
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def ireduction(self, value=128):
    """Return a copy of the image with a color-reduction applied.

        :param value: (int) Reduction value in range(0, 255)
        :return: (sppasImage)

    value = int(value)
    if value < 0:
        return self.copy()
    coeff = value % 255
    img = self // coeff * coeff
    return sppasImage(input_array=img)

Return a copy of the image with lightness changed.

  • coeff: (float) Set a value in range (0, 1) to increase lightness, or a value > 1 to increase darkness.
  • (sppasImage)
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def igamma(self, coeff=1.0):
    """Return a copy of the image with lightness changed.

        :param coeff: (float) Set a value in range (0, 1) to increase
            lightness, or a value > 1 to increase darkness.
        :return: (sppasImage)

    if coeff < 0.0:
        coeff = 0.0
    img = 255.0 * (self / 255.0) ** coeff
    return sppasImage(input_array=img)

Return a copy of the image representing RGB colors.



  • (sppasImage)
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def ito_rgb(self):
    """Return a copy of the image representing RGB colors.

        :raises: TypeError
        :return: (sppasImage)

    img = self.copy()
    if self.channel == 3:
        return img[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
    elif self.channel == 4:
        return img[:, :, [2, 1, 0, 3]]
    raise sppasTypeError('image', 'BGR/BGRA sppasImage')

Return a copy of image with a shadow added.

  • x: (int) Shadow width
  • y: (int) Shadow height
  • (sppasImage)
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def ishadow(self, x=5, y=20):
    """Return a copy of image with a shadow added.

        :param x: (int) Shadow width
        :param y: (int) Shadow height
        :return: (sppasImage)

    tmp = self.igray()
    tmp = tmp.ishift(x, y)
    return tmp.ioverlay(self, (0, 0))

Return a trimmed part of the image at given coordinates.

  • coord: (sppasCoords) crop to these x, y, w, h values.
  • (sppasImage)
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def icrop(self, coord):
    """Return a trimmed part of the image at given coordinates.

        :param coord: (sppasCoords) crop to these x, y, w, h values.
        :return: (sppasImage)

    coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
    x1 = coord.x
    x2 = coord.x + coord.w
    y1 = coord.y
    y2 = coord.y + coord.h
    cropped = self[y1:y2, x1:x2]
    return sppasImage(input_array=cropped)

Return a cropped part of the image.

  • coord: (tuple or sppasCoords)
  • (sppasImage)
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def itrim(self, coord):
    """Return a cropped part of the image.

        :param coord: (tuple or sppasCoords)
        :return: (sppasImage)

    return self.icrop(coord)

Return a copy of the image with the specified width and height.

  • width: (int) The width to resize to (0=proportional to height)
  • height: (int) The height to resize to (0=proportional to width)
  • (sppasImage)
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def iresize(self, width=0, height=0):
    """Return a copy of the image with the specified width and height.

        :param width: (int) The width to resize to (0=proportional to height)
        :param height: (int) The height to resize to (0=proportional to width)
        :return: (sppasImage)

    if width == 0 and height == 0:
        return self.copy()
    prop_width, prop_height = self.get_proportional_size(width, height)
    if prop_width + prop_height == 0:
        return self.copy()
    dif = self.height if self.height > self.width else self.width
    interpol = cv2.INTER_AREA if dif > (width + height) // 2 else cv2.INTER_CUBIC
    image = cv2.resize(self, (prop_width, prop_height), interpolation=interpol)
    return sppasImage(input_array=image)

Return a zoomed copy of the image.

Resize and crop the image to zoom it to the given size.

Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, but crop if necessary.

  • width: (int) The width to resize to
  • height: (int) The height to resize to
  • (sppasImage)
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def izoom(self, width, height):
    """Return a zoomed copy of the image.

        Resize and crop the image to zoom it to the given size.
        Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, but crop if necessary.

        :param width: (int) The width to resize to
        :param height: (int) The height to resize to
        :return: (sppasImage)

    aspect_ratio = int(100.0 * float(self.width) / float(self.height)) / 100.0
    res_aspect_ratio = int(100.0 * float(width) / float(height)) / 100.0
    if aspect_ratio > res_aspect_ratio:
        img_w = int(aspect_ratio * float(height))
        img_h = height
        img = self.iresize(img_w, img_h)
        x1 = int(float(img_w - width) / 2.0)
        x2 = x1 + width
        img = img[:, x1:x2, :]
    elif aspect_ratio < res_aspect_ratio:
        img_w = width
        img_h = int(float(width) / aspect_ratio)
        img = self.iresize(img_w, img_h)
        y1 = int(float(img_h - height) / 2.0)
        y2 = y1 + height
        img = img[y1:y2, :, :]
        img = self.iresize(width, height)
    return sppasImage(input_array=img)

Return a copy of the image centered in an image of given size.

Center the image into a blank image of the given size.

Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, crop if necessary or

add a black border all around.

  • width: (int) The width to resize to
  • height: (int) The height to resize to
  • (sppasImage)
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def icenter(self, width, height):
    """Return a copy of the image centered in an image of given size.

        Center the image into a blank image of the given size.
        Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, crop if necessary or
        add a black border all around.

        :param width: (int) The width to resize to
        :param height: (int) The height to resize to
        :return: (sppasImage)

    coord = sppasCoords(0, 0, width, height)
    if self.width > width:
        coord.x = (self.width - width) // 2
    if self.height > height:
        coord.y = (self.height - height) // 2
    img = self.icrop(coord)
    if self.channel == 4:
        mask = sppasImage(0).blank_image(width, height, white=False, alpha=0)
        mask = sppasImage(0).blank_image(width, height)
    x_pos = (width - img.width) // 2
    y_pos = (height - img.height) // 2
    mask[y_pos:y_pos + img.height, x_pos:x_pos + img.width, :] = img[:img.height, :img.width, :]
    return sppasImage(input_array=mask)

Return an extended copy of the image of given size.

Scale the image to match the given size, keeping aspect ratio.

Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, add a black border.

  • width: (int) The width to resize to
  • height: (int) The height to resize to
  • (sppasImage)
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def iextend(self, width, height):
    """Return an extended copy of the image of given size.

        Scale the image to match the given size, keeping aspect ratio.
        Keep the original aspect ratio of the image, add a black border.

        :param width: (int) The width to resize to
        :param height: (int) The height to resize to
        :return: (sppasImage)

    aspect_ratio = int(100.0 * float(self.width) / float(self.height)) / 100.0
    res_aspect_ratio = int(100.0 * float(width) / float(height)) / 100.0
    if aspect_ratio == res_aspect_ratio:
        return self.iresize(width, height)
    elif aspect_ratio > res_aspect_ratio:
        coeff = float(width) / float(self.width)
        img = self.iresize(width, int(coeff * float(self.height)))
        coeff = float(height) / float(self.height)
        img = self.iresize(int(coeff * float(self.width)), height)
    return img.icenter(width, height)

Return a rotated copy of the image with the given angle.

This method is part of imutils under the terms of the MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Adrian Rosebrock, http://www.pyimagesearch.com

See here for details:


  • angle: (float) Rotation angle in degrees.
  • center: (int) Center of the rotation in the source image.
  • scale: (float) Isotropic scale factor.
  • redimension: (bool) Scale the image to fit in the previous square
  • (sppasImage)
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def irotate(self, angle, center=None, scale=1.0, redimension=True):
    """Return a rotated copy of the image with the given angle.

        This method is part of imutils under the terms of the MIT License (MIT)
        Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Adrian Rosebrock, http://www.pyimagesearch.com
        See here for details:

        :param angle: (float) Rotation angle in degrees.
        :param center: (int) Center of the rotation in the source image.
        :param scale: (float) Isotropic scale factor.
        :param redimension: (bool) Scale the image to fit in the previous square
        :return: (sppasImage)

    h, w = self.shape[:2]
    if center is None:
        center = (w // 2, h // 2)
    matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, -angle, scale)
    if redimension is True:
        cos = numpy.abs(matrix[0, 0])
        sin = numpy.abs(matrix[0, 1])
        new_width = int(h * sin + w * cos)
        new_height = int(h * cos + w * sin)
        matrix[0, 2] += new_width // 2 - center[0]
        matrix[1, 2] += new_height // 2 - center[1]
        new_width = w
        new_height = h
    rotated = cv2.warpAffine(self, matrix, (new_width, new_height))
    return sppasImage(input_array=rotated)

Return a shifted copy of the image at given coordinates.

Shift the content at left/right and/or top/bottom.

  • x: (int)
  • y: (int)
  • (sppasImage)
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def ishift(self, x, y):
    """Return a shifted copy of the image at given coordinates.

        Shift the content at left/right and/or top/bottom.

        :param x: (int)
        :param y: (int)
        :return: (sppasImage)

    h, w = self.shape[:2]
    matrix = numpy.float32([[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y]])
    shifted = cv2.warpAffine(self, matrix, (w, h))
    return sppasImage(input_array=shifted)

Return a flipped copy of the image.

flip_code = 0: flip vertically

flip_code > 0: flip horizontally

flip_code < 0: flip vertically and horizontally

  • flip_code: (int) Indicate the way to flip the image
  • (sppasImage)
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def iflip(self, flip_code=-1):
    """Return a flipped copy of the image.

        flip_code = 0: flip vertically
        flip_code > 0: flip horizontally
        flip_code < 0: flip vertically and horizontally

        :param flip_code: (int) Indicate the way to flip the image
        :return: (sppasImage)

    if flip_code == 0:
        img = numpy.flipud(self)
    elif flip_code > 0:
        img = numpy.fliplr(self)
        img = numpy.flip(self, (0, 1))
    return sppasImage(input_array=img)

Return a copy of the image masked with the other given image.

  • other: (sppasImage) Image to mask (black areas)
  • (sppasImage)
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def imask(self, other):
    """Return a copy of the image masked with the other given image.

        :param other: (sppasImage) Image to mask (black areas)
        :return: (sppasImage)

    w, h = self.size()
    other = other.iresize(w, h)
    dst = self * other / 255
    return sppasImage(input_array=dst)

Return a copy of the image with smoothed borders.

  • value: (int) Kernel value, from 0 to 51.
  • method: (str) One of: None, "gaussian" or "median"
  • (sppasImage)
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def iblur(self, value=51, method='gaussian'):
    """Return a copy of the image with smoothed borders.

        :param value: (int) Kernel value, from 0 to 51.
        :param method: (str) One of: None, "gaussian" or "median"
        :return: (sppasImage)

    if method is None:
        mask_blur = cv2.blur(self, (value, value))
    elif method.lower() == 'median':
        mask_blur = cv2.medianBlur(self, value)
        mask_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(self, (value, value), cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
    return sppasImage(input_array=mask_blur)

Return a blank image with the contours of the image in color.

  • threshold: (int) value which is used to classify the pixel values (0-255)
  • color: (tuple) BGR values of the color to draw the contours
  • (sppasImage)
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def icontours(self, threshold=128, color=(0, 255, 0)):
    """Return a blank image with the contours of the image in color.

        :param threshold: (int) value which is used to classify the pixel values (0-255)
        :param color: (tuple) BGR values of the color to draw the contours
        :return: (sppasImage)

    if self.channel < 2:
        logging.error('Invalid image to draw a contour.')
        return self
    img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(self, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    _, thresh_img = cv2.threshold(img_grey, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh_img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    img_contours = numpy.zeros(self.shape)
    cv2.drawContours(img_contours, contours, -1, color, 3)
    return sppasImage(input_array=img_contours)

Return a copy of the image with other paste on it at given coords.

Replace the current image with the given one at given coords.

  • other: (sppasImage) Image to paste
  • coord: (sppasCoords) Position and optionally size to paste
  • (sppasImage)
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def ipaste(self, other, coord):
    """Return a copy of the image with other paste on it at given coords.

        Replace the current image with the given one at given coords.

        :param other: (sppasImage) Image to paste
        :param coord: (sppasCoords) Position and optionally size to paste
        :return: (sppasImage)

    img = self.copy()
    other = sppasImage(input_array=other)
    coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
    if other.channel != self.channel:
        if other.channel == 3 and self.channel == 4:
            other = other.ialpha(0)
        if other.channel == 4 and self.channel == 3:
            img = self.ialpha(0)
    if coord.w > 0 and coord.h > 0:
        paste_img = other.iresize(coord.w, coord.h)
        paste_img = other
        w, h = other.size()
        coord.w = w
        coord.h = h
    w, h = self.size()
    to_crop = False
    if coord.x + coord.w > w:
        new_w = w - coord.x
        coord.w = new_w
        to_crop = True
    if coord.y + coord.h > h:
        new_h = h - coord.y
        to_crop = True
        coord.h = new_h
    if to_crop is True:
        paste_img = paste_img.icrop((0, 0, coord.w, coord.h))
    x1 = coord.x
    x2 = coord.x + coord.w
    y1 = coord.y
    y2 = coord.y + coord.h
    img[y1:y2, x1:x2] = paste_img
    return img

Return a copy of the image with the other image added or blended.

  • other: (sppasImage) Image to blend with
  • coord: (sppasCoord) Blend only the given area of self with other
  • weight1: (float) coeff on the image
  • weight2: (float) coeff on the other image
  • (sppasImage)
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def iblend(self, other, coord=None, weight1=0.5, weight2=0.5):
    """Return a copy of the image with the other image added or blended.

        :param other: (sppasImage) Image to blend with
        :param coord: (sppasCoord) Blend only the given area of self with other
        :param weight1: (float) coeff on the image
        :param weight2: (float) coeff on the other image
        :return: (sppasImage)

    w, h = self.size()
    img = self.copy()
    if coord is None:
        other = other.iresize(w, h)
        blank = sppasImage(0).blank_image(w, h, white=False, alpha=0)
        if other.channel == 3:
            other = other.ialpha(254)
        other = blank.ipaste(other, coord)
        if self.channel == 3:
            img = self.ialpha(254)
    blended = cv2.addWeighted(img, weight1, other, weight2, 0)
    return sppasImage(input_array=blended)

Return a copy of the image with the other image added.

  • other: (sppasImage) Image to blend with
  • coord: (sppasCoord) Overlay in the given area of self with other
  • (sppasImage)
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def ioverlay(self, other, coord):
    """Return a copy of the image with the other image added.

        :param other: (sppasImage) Image to blend with
        :param coord: (sppasCoord) Overlay in the given area of self with other
        :return: (sppasImage)

    back_image = self.copy()
    w, h = self.size()
    over_image = sppasImage(input_array=other)
    coord = sppasCoords.to_coords(coord)
    if over_image.channel == 3:
        over_image = over_image.ialpha(254)
    if back_image.channel == 3:
        back_image = self.ialpha(254)
    if coord.w > 0 and coord.h > 0:
        over_image = over_image.iresize(coord.w, coord.h)
    cols, rows = over_image.shape[:2]
    x = coord.x
    y = coord.y
    if x + rows > w:
        rows = w - x
    if y + cols > h:
        cols = h - y
    tmp = sppasImage(0).blank_image(w, h, white=False, alpha=254)
    over_image = tmp.ipaste(over_image, (x, y))
    alpha_background = back_image[:, :, 3] / 255.0
    alpha_foreground = over_image[:, :, 3] / 255.0
    roi_over = back_image.copy()
    for color in range(0, 3):
        roi_over[:, :, color] = alpha_foreground * over_image[:, :, color] + alpha_background * roi_over[:, :, color] * (1 - alpha_foreground)
    roi_over[:, :, 3] = (1 - (1 - alpha_foreground) * (1 - alpha_background)) * 255
    if rows > 0 and cols > 0:
        black = sppasImage(0).blank_image(rows, cols, white=False, alpha=254)
        back_image = back_image.ipaste(black, (x, y))
    combined = cv2.add(back_image, roi_over)
    return sppasImage(input_array=combined)

Return a new image with a square surrounding all the given coords.

  • coords: (List of sppasCoords) Areas to surround
  • color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color
  • thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle.
  • score: (bool) Add the confidence score of the coords
  • (sppasImage)
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def isurround(self, coords, color=(50, 100, 200), thickness=2, score=False):
    """Return a new image with a square surrounding all the given coords.

        :param coords: (List of sppasCoords) Areas to surround
        :param color: (int, int, int) Rectangle color
        :param thickness: (int) Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle.
            Negative values, like CV_FILLED , mean that the function has to
            draw a filled rectangle.
        :param score: (bool) Add the confidence score of the coords
        :return: (sppasImage)

    img = self.copy()
    for c in coords:
        c = sppasCoords.to_coords(c)
        if c.w > 0 and c.h > 0:
            text = ''
            if score is True and c.get_confidence() > 0.0:
                text = '{:.3f}'.format(c.get_confidence())
            img.surround_coord(c, color, thickness, text)
            img.surround_point(c, color, thickness)
    return img

Applied a filter on the image to create a cartoon effect.

  • colorize: (bool) If we want our image in only black and white (False) or with colors (True).
  • (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
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def icartoon(self, colorize=True):
    """Applied a filter on the image to create a cartoon effect.

        :param colorize: (bool) If we want our image in only black and
            white (False) or with colors (True).
        :return: (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it

    alpha_image = None
    if self.channel == 4:
        alpha_image = self[:, :, 3] / 255.0
        img = self.ibgra_to_bgr()
        img = self.copy()
    img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
    img_bf = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_blur, d=3, sigmaColor=50, sigmaSpace=50)
    img_lp_al = cv2.Laplacian(img_bf, cv2.CV_8U, ksize=5)
    img_lp_al_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img_lp_al, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    blur_al = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_lp_al_grey, (5, 5), 0)
    _, tresh_al = cv2.threshold(blur_al, 245, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    inverted_bilateral = cv2.subtract(255, tresh_al)
    if colorize is True:
        img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img, d=8, sigmaColor=250, sigmaSpace=250)
        img_color = sppasImage(input_array=cv2.bitwise_and(img_color, img_color, mask=inverted_bilateral))
        if alpha_image is not None:
            img_color = img_color.ialpha(254)
            img_color[:, :, 3] = alpha_image * 255
        return img_color
    if alpha_image is not None:
        img = sppasImage(input_array=inverted_bilateral).ialpha(254)
        img[:, :, 3] = alpha_image * 255
        return img
        return sppasImage(input_array=inverted_bilateral)

Smooth colors, down-sample and Up-sample the original image colors.

  • nbdownsamp: (int) number of downscaling steps
  • (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
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def iquantization_color(self, nb_down_samp=2):
    """Smooth colors, down-sample and Up-sample the original image colors.

        :param nb_down_samp: (int) number of downscaling steps

        :return: (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it

    img_color = self.copy()
    for _ in range(nb_down_samp):
        img_color = cv2.pyrDown(img_color)
    for _ in range(50):
        img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_color, 9, 9, 7)
    for _ in range(nb_down_samp):
        img_color = cv2.pyrUp(img_color)
    return sppasImage(input_array=img_color)

Applied an invert filter on the image.

  • (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
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def iinvert(self):
    """Applied an invert filter on the image.

        :return: (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it

    "\n        alpha_image = None\n\n        # image doesn't have an alpha channel\n        if self.channel == 3:\n            img = self.copy()\n        else:\n            # normalize alpha channels from 0-255 to 0-1\n            alpha_image = self[:, :, 3] / 255.0\n            # get the image without the alpha channel\n            img = self.ibgra_to_bgr()\n\n        # apply the invert filter\n        invert_array = cv2.bitwise_not(img)\n\n        if alpha_image is not None:\n            # create alpha channel and restore original image alpha\n            img = sppasImage(input_array=invert_array).ialpha(254)\n            img[:, :, 3] = alpha_image * 255\n\n        return img\n        "
    invert_array = cv2.bitwise_not(self.copy())
    return sppasImage(input_array=invert_array)

Applied an overlay with a specified color on the image.

  • color_overlay: (tuple[int, int, int]) The color of the overlay on the rgb format
  • intensity: (float) The intensity
  • (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it
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def ioverlay_color(self, color_overlay, intensity=0.2):
    """Applied an overlay with a specified color on the image.

        :param color_overlay: (tuple[int, int, int]) The color of the overlay on the rgb format
        :param intensity: (float) The intensity

        :return: (sppasImage) The image with the filter applied on it

    image = cv2.cvtColor(self.copy(), cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
    image_height, image_width, _ = image.shape
    color_bgra = color_overlay[::-1] + (1,)
    overlay = numpy.full((image_height, image_width, 4), color_bgra, dtype='uint8')
    cv2.addWeighted(overlay, intensity, image, 1.0, 0, image)
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR)
    return sppasImage(input_array=image)

Return a copy of the image with dtype=numpy.uint8.

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def iuint8(self):
    """Return a copy of the image with dtype=numpy.uint8."""
    img = self / self.max()
    img = 255 * img
    return img.astype(numpy.uint8)

Write the image on disk.

  • filename: (str) Name of the image file


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def write(self, filename):
    """Write the image on disk.

        :param filename: (str) Name of the image file
        :raises: (ImageWriteError)

        cv2.imwrite(filename, self)
    except cv2.error as e:
        logging.error('Error when writing file {}: {}'.format(filename, str(e)))
        raise ImageWriteError(filename)

Private functions


Return a sppasImage from the given entry.

  • entry: (numpy.ndarray or filename)
  • (sppasImage)
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def _to_image(entry):
    """Return a sppasImage from the given entry.

        :param entry: (numpy.ndarray or filename)
        :return: (sppasImage)

    if isinstance(entry, sppasImage) is True:
        return entry
    if isinstance(entry, numpy.ndarray):
        return sppasImage(input_array=entry)
    return sppasImage(filename=entry)



Allows to write img1 == img2.

  • other
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def __eq__(self, other):
    """Allows to write img1 == img2."""
    if len(self) != len(other):
        return False
    for l1, l2 in zip(self, other):
        if len(l1) != len(l2):
            return False
        for c1, c2 in zip(l1, l2):
            if len(c1) != len(c2):
                return False
            r1, g1, b1 = c1
            r2, g2, b2 = c2
            if r1 != r2 or g1 != g2 or b1 != b2:
                return False
    return True

Allows to write img1 != img2.

  • other
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def __ne__(self, other):
    """Allows to write img1 != img2."""
    return not self.__eq__(other)