SPPAS 4.20

Module sppas.src.resources

Class sppasMapping


Class to manage mapping tables.

A mapping is an extended replacement dictionary.

sppasMapping is used for the management of a mapping table of any set

of strings.


Create a new sppasMapping instance.

  • dict_name: (str) file name with the mapping data (2 columns)
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def __init__(self, dict_name=None):
    """Create a new sppasMapping instance.

    :param dict_name: (str) file name with the mapping data (2 columns)

    super(sppasMapping, self).__init__(dict_name, nodump=True)
    self._keep_miss = True
    self._reverse = False
    self._miss_symbol = ''

Public functions


Return the boolean value of reverse member.

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def get_reverse(self):
    """Return the boolean value of reverse member."""
    return self._reverse

Return the boolean value of reverse member.

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def get_miss_symbol(self):
    """Return the boolean value of reverse member."""
    return self._miss_symbol

Fix the keep_miss option.

  • keepmiss: (*bool*) If keepmiss is set to True, each missing entry is kept without change; instead each missing entry is replaced by a specific symbol.
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def set_keep_miss(self, keep_miss):
    """Fix the keep_miss option.

        :param keep_miss: (bool) If keep_miss is set to True, each missing
        entry is kept without change; instead each missing entry is replaced
        by a specific symbol.

    self._keep_miss = keep_miss

Fix the reverse option.

  • reverse: (bool) If replace is set to True, the mapping will replace value by key instead of replacing key by value.
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def set_reverse(self, reverse):
    """Fix the reverse option.

        :param reverse: (bool) If replace is set to True, the mapping will
        replace value by key instead of replacing key by value.

    self._reverse = reverse

Fix the symbol to be used if keep_miss is False.

  • symbol: (str) US-ASCII symbol to be used in case of a symbol is missing of the mapping table.
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def set_miss_symbol(self, symbol):
    """Fix the symbol to be used if keep_miss is False.

        :param symbol: (str) US-ASCII symbol to be used in case of a symbol
        is missing of the mapping table.

    self._miss_symbol = str(symbol)

Map an entry (a key or a value).

  • entry: (str) input string to map
  • mapped entry is a string
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def map_entry(self, entry):
    """Map an entry (a key or a value).

        :param entry: (str) input string to map
        :returns: mapped entry is a string

    if self.is_empty() is True:
        return entry
    if self._reverse is False:
        if self.is_key(entry):
            return self.get(entry)
        s = self.replace_reversed(entry)
        if len(s) > 0:
            return s
    if self._keep_miss is False:
        return self._miss_symbol
    return entry

Run the Mapping process on an input string.

  • mstr: input string to map
  • delimiters: (list) list of character delimiters. Default is: [';', ',', ' ', '.', '|', '+', '-']
  • separator: (char) used to separate parts of the mapped result (when longest matching algorithm was used to map a string)
  • a string
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def map(self, mstr, delimiters=DEFAULT_SEP, separator=''):
    """Run the Mapping process on an input string.

        :param mstr: input string to map
        :param delimiters: (list) list of character delimiters. Default is:               [';', ',', ' ', '.', '|', '+', '-']
        :param separator: (char) used to separate parts of the mapped result
        (when longest matching algorithm was used to map a string)
        :returns: a string

    if self.is_empty() is True:
        return mstr
    tab = []
    if len(delimiters) > 0:
        pattern = '|'.join(map(re.escape, delimiters))
        pattern = '(' + pattern + ')\\s*'
        tab = re.split(pattern, mstr)
        s = self._miss_symbol
        k = self._keep_miss
        self._miss_symbol = 'UNKNOWN'
        self._keep_miss = False
        i = 0
        j = 0
        maxi = len(mstr)
        while i < maxi:
            i = maxi
            mapped = self.map_entry(mstr[j:i])
            while mapped == self._miss_symbol and j < i - 1:
                i -= 1
                mapped = self.map_entry(mstr[j:i])
            j = i
        self._miss_symbol = s
        self._keep_miss = k
    map_tab = []
    for v in tab:
        if v in delimiters:
            mapped = self.map_entry(v)
            if mapped == self._miss_symbol:
                logging.debug('In {:s}, missing symbol {:s}. Mapped into {:s}.'.format(mstr, v, mapped))
    return separator.join(map_tab)